Non-invasive ventilation using helmets is a patient treatment protocol used at intensive units and hospitals around the world to a different degree. The only USA manufacturer can not keep up with the demand.
We all racing with time to #FlattenTheCurve and increase capacities of heathcare infrastructures, while borders are closing between even friendly countries, governments are restricting export activities and many DYI do-it-yourself innitiatives are picking up as we all need to act now and be #FasterThanVirus.
Connect us with manufacturers worldwide
Please connect us with manufacturers worldwide - share a contact via form
Or, even better, call them, ask a few questions (see the next survey below), ask them to fill-in or do it on their behalf.
Please provide manufacturer’s info about products and capacities via form
Please also indicate, if you (the manufacturer) give us consent
to share publicly your information so that hospitals could order directly.
We are also consolidating, analysing and searching for solutions to resolve resource, capacity, funding shortages or other bottlenecks.
We are working 24/7 to build up relevant, highly-sprecialized quality content, and contribute to containing the COVID-19 outbreak. Come back to our site, refer it to your network, who might benefit from this information, subscribe to our newsletter.