We are a grassroots initiative by expert volunteers to CURATE, CONSOLIDATE & SHARE:
WHAT: highly focused & niche expertise on Helmet-based non-invasive ventilation
FROM & WITH clinicians, ICU professionals, healthcare decision-makers, manufacturers, suppliers, hospitals, governmental agencies, funders, DYI initiatives
ABOUT: most relevant clinical, manufacturing, demand, supply, resources, bottlenecks, solutions, applications, funding needs & sources information
WHY: to help saving more lives and contain COVID-19 pandemic.
UPDATING 24/7 at www.helmetbasedventilation.com .
SUBSCRIBE and choose an area of your INTEREST for curated expertise
ALERT relevant experts and decision makers about this info source – SHARE a link to our web www.helmetbasedventilation.com
SUGGEST tips & solutions to uplift our own grassroots capacity, i.e. tools to augment and automate with a laser focus on this particular niche, donate to help us hire more technical help
SUBMIT INFO & contact/capacity/shortage/resource DATA (helmet ventilation related ONLY) on worldwide
Clinicians, ICU staff and hospital leaders
existing manufacturers, their capacities & needs for supplies or funding to expand output
potential pivoting manufacturers, their capacities & needs for expertise, supplies or funding to create new capacity
public, private and charity funding sources for hospitals and helmet suppliers
hospital demand
any other relevant ideas and suggestions
#StopTheSpread #SharingIsCaring #Ventilator #BiPAP #CPAP #Helmet #NIV #ICU #noninvasive #ventilation #BubbleHelmet #StarMed #SeaLong #CaStar
In more simple words:
If there are only 1 ICU bed and 10 patients in critical condition, doctors perform brutal triage and chose 1 for hope, leaving 9 to somehow survive or die.
Helmet ventilators can save more lives.
